The package instructions couldn’t have been more tempting : “Thaw, rinse with cold water, and serve.” About the size of medium sized shrimp these little pink curls have the consistency of lobster or crab, which isn’t surprising, because they come from the same family. Langoustines are north atlantic lobsters, usually harvested in Scotland and Norway. Unfortunately, these particular langoustines have zero flavor. I can’t think of any preparation method that would have improved them, short of not buying them. Grade: F.
4 thoughts on “Trader Joe’s Taste Test : Frozen Langoustine Tails”
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Well, I disagree. I purchased these this week also becuase of the label. I thawed them and in a saute pan I placed garlic, olive oil, chopped tom. and a splash of champagne. Then I put a little lemon zest. Boiled briefly and simmered, then placed the langoustines in with some leftover cooked wheat penne and had a delicious, quick, and cheap meal. Topped with a little parmesan.
Very impressed.
I agree. It is all about the seasoning. I seasoned them with some creole seasoning, garlic and butter. Next, I placed them in the oven for about fifteen minutes. Once the langoustines were done I mixed them in a spagetti meat sauce, chopped broccoli and green onions . Serve it up with garlic bread and your favorite drink.
Clearly, I didn’t give these things a proper chance. I’ll try them again and use one of your methods. Thanks!
Myself, I take these & broil them for about 6 min., brushing with garlic butter. Then, serve with drawn butter like you would lobster. Round out the meal with a veggie saffron rice, a glass of good Pinot Griggio, & it is pure heaven. You can also line them on a smaller oven/sizzle platter with butter & garlic & broil, then you will not need the drawn butter.