I’m not sure how long this deal will last, but if you need a new food processor, or don’t have one yet, Amazon is selling this Cuisinart food processor for $80 off its list price, a savings of 44%. This is the same model I’ve used since 2005, and I have no complaints about it. It works great, and this is a great, great price.
Home » Great Food Processor, only $100
Great Food Processor, only $100
Dave September 24, 2008 2 Comments on Great Food Processor, only $100
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Got one. Love it (even though we’ve never gotten used to using food processors on a regular basis…preferring knives). Ours was on sale, too, when Macy’s was taking over all of the Boston-area Filene’s stores spaces.
Just bought one of these as well…thanks for the tip on the sale. Actually, several major retail sites offering it at this price — I bought it from NewEgg.com, which offered free three-business-day shipping (Amazon’s free shipping is Super Saver, which can take 10 days).